The ISO9001 quality management system has been implemented in Varicraft since 1994.

We have fulfilled the factory inspection requirements and are qualified to produce the products with the CCC mark, China Compulsory Certificate. (Factory code A102131)

We also obtained the ICTI CARE Seal of Compliance for the international standards on social responsibility. (Factory ID C010964)
* In January 2018, the ICTI CARE Process became the Ethical Toy Program.

We are already a Sedex member to share data with our customers on the responsible practices of business. (Company Reference ZC1056951)

We are one of the Disney authorized factories. (FAC-006577)

In 2018, we have also obtained Food Production License (Food related products) which allows our food contacting items to tap the Chinese mainland market. (Certificate 粵 XK16-204-04050)